Reorganize Cache

The reorganization of a cache can be performed by the help of this dialog. During the process, certain clean-up operations may be performed and some filters may be applied as well. After accepting the settings, a CacheReorg window that shows the progress of the operation is opened.

The following parameters for a cache reorganization can be specified:

Old CacheDir (text)

Specifies the name of an existing directory that contains the source cache.

New CacheDir (text)

Defines the name of a new directory for the target cache, or the name of an existing cache may be given into which the source cache or parts of it should be merged.

Files/Dir (text)
Dirs/Dir (text)
SeqStart (text)

These three parameters define the filesystem layout of the target cache in case the file index.cnt does not already exist in the target directory. Useful values for SeqStart are 0 or the value of Files/Dir. Using the latter value has the effect that no response file is created within the top-level directory of the cache, which may be convenient for large caches.

Operation (list: copy, move, dummy)

Specifies the operation to be done with the files of the source cache:

the source files are copied to the target cache,
the source files are moved (like copy and delete) to the target cache,
no files are copied or moved to the target cache, but the required subdirectories are still created.

Note that moving the source files is a destructive process as the contents of the source cache gets partly or completely lost.

Cleanup (checkbox)

Indicates that certain clean-up operations should be performed such as to skip overridden and deleted entries and to ignore empty files.

Include URLs (text)

Specifies a space-separated list of prefixes of URLs to be exclusively included into the target cache. If not specified, all URLs are selected.

Exclude URLs (text)

Specifies a space-separated list of prefixes of URLs to be excluded from the target cache. These prefixes have precedence of conflicting include prefixes.

Include Types (text)

Defines a space-separated list of patterns of content-types to be exclusively included into the target cache. If not defined, all content-types are selected.

Exclude Types (text)

Defines a space-separated list of patterns of content-types to be excluded from the target cache, superceding conflicting include types. A response is skipped too if it does not provide a content-type, but at least one include type is defined.


The source directory and the target directory must not be contained within each other. This is checked in advance based on the given names, but that may fail because it is possible to specify a name for the same directory in different ways.