Save Document

The save dialog allows a document to be saved to a file of the local filesystem. If the entity that is enclosed in the response has a content-encoding applied to it, it can be removed before the entity is written to the file. The progress in actually saving a document is shown within another dialog as described below.

The save dialog is invoked automatically if no other application can be found that is able to handle the entity, or the dialog may be invoked on demand by some means, e.g. by using certain entries of pop-up menues such as "Save Document...", "Save Link..." or "Save Response...".

In the following, the input fields and informational fields together with additional buttons that are only available within this dialog are described:

(Filesystem browser)

The filesystem browser that is contained within a subwindow that is labelled with the path of the current directory and that is located in the top area of the dialog can be used to select a target directory for saving the document. The directory part of the Filename field is automatically updated according to the current directory.

Filename (text)

Specifies the filename under which the document should be saved. The directory part of the filename is remembered for later re-use. The proposed basename comes either from the name parameter of the Content-Type: header, from the filename parameter of the Content-Disposition: header, or from the basename part of the requesting URL, but if no basename can be determined, the value index plus an extension that is derived from the content-type is used instead.

Modified (text)

The contents of the Last-Modified: header field or the value of the modification-date parameter of the Content-Disposition: header. The last modification date of the saved file is set to this value if it is present and valid.

Length (info)

The content-length of the entity that is enclosed in the response.

Doc-Type (text&list)

The content-type of the resource as given in the response. Additionally, this field provides a predefined list of some common content-types which is stored in the configuration file.

Encoding (text&list)

The content-encoding that has been applied to the resource as given in the response. Additionally, this field provides a hard-coded list of some content-encodings.

Decode (checkbox)

Indicates whether the content-encoding as given by the field Encoding should be undone (removed) before the entity is written to the file.

Note: Fields of type info are normal text fields, but changing their value does not have any further effect. They are just provided in order to be able to scroll through the value in case that is too long to be shown directly. The fields Modified and Length are optional and may not be present.

The meaning of the special buttons is given together with the short form of the button labels in parentheses:

Save (S)
Save the document using the parameters as specified above.
View (V)
Go through the normal chain of determing an appropriate handler for this response. The current values of the fields Doc-Type, Encoding and Modified (when present) are taken over in this case and hence, they can be used to override the original values of the response. Note that this action may cause the save dialog to appear again when no suitable handler can be found.
Text (T)
Display the source text of the document within a viewer window.
Info (I)
Show all HTTP response headers that are attached to the document within a DocInfo window, while the save dialog stays opened.
Cancel (X)
Cancel the save dialog.

Saving Document

This variant of a dialog is used by the save dialog to display the progress in saving a document to a file of the local filesystem. Three fields are provided in the dialog:

Filename (info)

Shows the filename under which the document is actually being saved.


Displays the total number of bytes that have been received until now. This value is suffixed by the content-length if it is given in the response.


Displays a progress bar that indicates the percentage of the received number of bytes in relation to the expected number. If the content-length of an entity is not known, the expected number of bytes is estimated stepwise during the process by exponentially increasing its value, starting with a certain value.

Using the Close button at the bottom of the dialog aborts the process of saving the document first if it is not already finished and then causes the window to close. Note that the process continues to run in the background (without a window) if the window is closed by other means!